Thursday, September 18, 2008

Quick, Easy, And Free Google Traffic

This is how I routinely get multiple listings on the front page of Google. My best campaign has all 10 front page listings and 22 listings all together in the first 3 pages for that keyword. The process described here has brought me thousands of viewers to my landing pages and turned into a constant flow of hundred and thousand dollar checks in my mailbox. This has become a staple in my everyday business routine.

Keyword Research

Every Successful Campaign Starts With Good Research

I use to look for two things...

1.) Keyword suggestions from a base niche keyword

2.) The amount of daily searches on those keyword suggestions

The first one is important because it's impossible to guess what people are really typing into the search engines. So I'll type in a base keyword or just the name of the niche. For example: Nascar, Deer Hunting, Knitting, TV Repair

Then the wordtracker tool spits out 200 of the most searched for terms in that niche. This is so great because now we know the exact things people are really looking for in this niche. Sometimes to get more ideas I'll just type in things like "how to" "learn" "buy" "cure for" just to see what type of things people are searching for with those words in them.

The daily search results are also important because if it's under a certain amount (my number is 65 per day) then there just isn't enough demand. For me less then 65 searches per day just isn't enough traffic to turn into a REALLY profitable campaign. However, there is nothing wrong with small campaigns.

Add together all your monthly bills...
Now divide the totally of your whole monthly obligation by 30
This gives you your daily cost of living

Knowing you have to pay thousands of dollar per month on
bills can be strenuous on your mind. Instead if you look at
the daily cost it's not so big and scary.

For example last time I added mine up it worked out to $4,676
and when divided by 30 equals $155.86 (per day).

$156 dollars is not so scary. Plus now I know all I need is one
or a couple websites that bring in that amount per day and all
my bills are paid for each month.

For my situation I figured I only needed 20 campaigns that
each made $8/day and my bills were clear.

What does yours work out too?

Back to the lesson... My number is 65 searches per day and I'm going to continue with that number for the sake of keeping things easy in this tutorial. The next thing I need in my research is how hard will it be to get the high SEO results that I want?

To determine how hard it will be to rank for any certain keyword, I wrap the keyword in "quotes" and then enter it into Google. Then at the top right hand side of the screen there will be a number like 1 - 34,980 or 1 - 1,230 (fake examples).

This number tells us how many pages in Google are fighting for that EXACT keyword or phrase. For my methods, if that number is less than 1 - 10,000 then I know I have a high chance of taking over the listings.

So the magic ratio I am looking for is a keyword or phrase getting 65 or more searches per day with less than 10,000 results in Google (when wrapped in quotes).

Continue to part 2...

Market Research

Good Marketing Is Done Before The Product Is Around

Now that you have a keyword you kind of have an idea about what item you should be promoting. However, you are still guessing. Even if the keyword is "Buy A Samsung 42" Flat Screen TV" you still are guessing at what that person wants at this point.

Lemme explain...

What you still don't know are the questions, desires, and motives behind the person typing in that keyword. This is the most important thing to figure out first, your campaigns success depends on it. This is the step that most people leave out and why their pages don't convert to sales.

You need to research the type of person that would be entering your keyword or phrase. Why do they want the item? What questions do they have about the item? What are they worried about concerning the item? What is the real reason they want the item?

Let's use the flat screen tv keyphrase as an example...

The easiest and prolly most overlooked aspect of that keyword is that the person chose SAMSUNG. Why did they choose Samsung over all other brands? What can we tell them when they land on our pages that will reassure that Samsung is the brand they want or don't want.

The next thing is where was that person planning on buying this flat screen tv from? Did they have a certain store or website in mind? Are they price shopping or are they looking up statistics on the best 42" TV to buy?

Why did they choose a 42" - what about a 50"? Do they not have enough room? Are they a business owner looking to buy multiple screens for their restaurant or lobby?

It's very important to try and find answers to questions like these before you move on with your campaign. Sure you can still skip ahead in the tutorial and dominate the pages for your keyword - but what use is that if it won't turn into money?

Some of the best ways to research the answers to questions like these are to find related online forums for whatever keyword or phrase you have in mind. Don't forget that the social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have lots of forums inside their sites also.

Next thing you can do to find these answers is survey the market. I use to create questionnaire style landing pages based on my keyword. This gives me killer inside information as to what my market really wants and why.

Finally after you have this "insiders information" you can go find a product, website, or CPA offer that will offer you money for referring these people to them.

First find out the "insiders information" about the people typing in your keyword
Second find a product, affiliate program, CPA offer, or other monetization method that solves their needs/wants

Continue to part 3...

Product Research

The Product Must Solve The Problem

This part will be quick as most of you should already know how to find an affiliate program, CPA Network, Clickbank Product, or something similar.

However, to those that are brand new let me touch base on this real quick. There are three ways you can monetize your new found "insiders information."

1.) Find a product that already serves the market which has an affiliate program attached

2.) Create the information they are seeking and add to your page related pay-per-click ads like Adsense
You'll get paid when people come to your site and click through to someone else solution

3.) Create the product yourself and sell it to that market

However, the most important thing in this stage is that you select a product, offer, or piece of information that directly solves the target markets problems. This means make sure you keep your "insiders information" on the top of your head while choosing the best product for your market based on that information.

If you can think of yourself more as a representative of the consumer or a buyers research assistant then you will do much better then all those guys out there thinking they are hot shot salesmen. No one likes salesman, but everyone wants someone helping them research the best deals and products.

Now comes the fun stuff...

Google Domination

If You Can Get One Listing - You Can Get 20

Ok so we've done all the tedious research now. I know that might not be the fun part to you, but it is the most important part. Now let's roll up our sleeves and destroy some competitors!

Here's is the basis or theory behind this technique...

Google already knows, likes, loves, and trusts certain sites. So Google has no problem pushing them to the top of their search listings. We as marketers need to find out what sites these are and ride their backs to the top.

I have found a formula for doing this successfully about 90% of the time. So it's not foolproof, but it is quite reliable. After all I feed my family with the money I make from these processes.

Step 1:
Create a landing page with because it's super easy to use, free, and Google already loves this site. When you create your landing page on Weebly you should make sure the title of the site is exactly what your keyword or phrase is. Then your headline should have that word or phrase in it also.

Make sure you use your keyword inside the content of your landing page 3x per 100 words you write. And your writing should be in a story telling style, not salesy. A way to slide in your keyword a couple extra times without making your content read like you force fed it keywords for breakfast - is to add a link to the merchant/product that has your keyword as the achor text between two paragraphs.

These links between paragraphs are still counted by Google towards your 3x per 100 words. NEVER go over 3x per 100 words or you will be penalized.

Finally, when you go to publish your site they will ask you to create your URL. Example



Step 2:
Ok so now you have one property on a strong Google loved property. First thing I do here is go to and "Digg" my landing page. When you do this Digg is going to ask your for two pieces of information. 1.) The title to your story and 2.) the URL to your story.

Make sure your title has your keyword or phrase in it without too many other words. However, it's a good practice to also give the title some flavor. For example if your keyword was "free nascar wallpapers" then my title would be "10 Brand New Free Nascar Wallpapers.

That title looks good to Google by being directly relevant to the keyword and looks good to human viewers because it has some appeal to it and offers a reason to click that title.

Doing this process correctly and having done your keyword research correctly should almost always get you a first page listing.

Step 3:
Write 4 unique articles about your keyword or phrase. I usually pay someone on scriptlance to do this for me at about $4 per article. Although the WealthyAffiliate Jobs area has been great too me also. (500 words per article is sufficient)

After you get your articles back you should doctor them up just a bit. The reason for this is you want to make sure they have a certain keyword density (amount of your keyword vs. all the other words). Google counts your keyword density to see what your article is most relevant about.


A keyword density of 3% is my recommended number. That means you will have your keyword or phrase in your article 3x per every 100 words. Along with your keyword being in your title using the same methods we used for the title step.

Now you have your SEO optimized articles with keyword rich title and content - Go distribute them to these places... (change to 1% keyword density)

All your articles should be linking back to your Weebly landing page or directly to the merchant - from your authors bio box.

Step 4:
This step will work just like step 2 with, however, we are going to use Digg's competitors now. Which means,,, and Don't get nervous just repeat the same steps you took on with these 4 competitors to Digg and make sure you only pick one per article - Don't over do it.

Step 5:
This is the last step I normally take as this is usually more then enough. However, in theory you could keep going and going until you run out of "Google Loved" websites.

In this step you are going to create a short 2-3 minute video using either Camtasia (pricey), Camstudio (free), Jing (free), or Screenflow (mac users).

This video obviously must be related to your keyword and a good idea is to show product reviews, testimonials, or case studies that highlight the benefits of ownership to whatever offer you are promoting. Keep it short and sweet though...

Now edit your video to make sure it has the address you want your visitors to go to showing at all times (not too invasive though). Normally, I'll buy a domain name (.com) that matches my keyword and forward the domain name to my affiliate link (your hosting company can help you with this easily).

So now you have this short video that shows social proof and benefits of the product or offer you are promoting and that video has your domain name showing throughout the video. Upload this video to which is a free service website that will launch your video to 15 of the top video sharing sites.

Make sure when writing in the information about your video that your title has nothing but your keyword or phrase in it. Then in the video description area make sure the very first thing you write is your full web address including the http:// - Now launch your video using TubeMogul to all the video sites that it allows you to use.

NOTE: You will have to register to all those video sites first.

*Last words*

IF you followed every step above you will have 25 chances at getting on the first page of Google. I only say chances because nothing can be guaranteed since I don't work for Google or control Google.

I literally gave you the exact same step-by-step process that I go through for my own campaigns. I usually see about a 90% success rate with these techniques with an average of 5 front page listings and 11 - 14 listings total in the first 3 pages of Google. Again that's all on average, I don't want to be quoted on numbers because I can't control Google.

Sometimes I only get one or two front page listings and sometimes I take over the whole page. It all depends on your effort, your research, and Google's spiderbots. Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your feedback - I've never shared this information for less then $1,000 via 1on1 phone calls.

1 comment:

albertjames said...

Every SEO campaign has to start somewhere. Any good plan; whether you're building a home, preparing for a family vacation or looking to optimize your website for search rankings, starts with research. Before you are ready to optimize your first piece of code you need to understand the landscape around you, which means you need to know the condition of your site as it currently is, and the goals you wish to achieve over the course of your campaign.
social media optimization