Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Key To Killer CTR's in Googles Adwords Ads

So I'm always hearing this question being brought up again and again: How do I get nice CTR's in google adwords?

Having a high CTR is VERY important to your:

1. Ad quality score
2. Keyword quality score
3. Account quality score.

If you have a high CTR, you'll pay less than your competitor AND have a higher ranking, which means more cheaper traffic and higher ROI percentages.

In this tutorial, I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to get sky high CTR's. (This information is VITAL for anyone wanting starting out with a new adwords account, and for newbies in general)

So make sure you don't SKIM through this guide! Absorb as much as you can, as this is VITALLY important for ALL PPC campaigns, regardless of google, yahoo or others(though we are specifically discussing google)

Setting Up The Account Properly

The first thing you want to make sure of is that your account is properly set up. This simply means having all of your keywords grouped by the common keyword method that you can learn here at WA.

Instead of going through the exact details, go read my tutorial on Conquering the Google Slap.

You can read it here:

This will provide the information regarding dealing with the google slap and proper keyword grouping.

Also, you can check out the Learning Center tutorials regarding:

Writing good ad text,
Proper keyword grouping
and the Case Studies on google.

Once you are comfortable with these topics, it's time to move on to the most important aspect of sky-high CTR's:

Ad Copy.

Ad Copy Basics

Writing amazing ad copy is the #1 thing you can do to get sky high CTR's. In fact, I consistently get 5%-15% CTR's on ALL my ads and keywords with these techniques.

The first thing to do is make sure you understand how Google makes specific words in your text bold. For instance, we are promoting a Dog Training manual and our keyword is: "stop dog bark"

If you include ANY of those words in your ad at all, they will be bold. If you include the entire phrase, it will be bold. Also, if you include in your ad "Stopping a Dog from Barking", the words "Stopping", "Dog" and "Barking" WILL ALSO BE BOLDED! (This works for Stops, Dogs, Barks, Doggy, Stopped, you get the picture?)

Why is this significant? A couple of reasons:
1. Bolded words attract attention and increase CTR's.
2. Because "stopping" and "barking" is four and three letters longer than "stop" and "bark", this gives you flexibility when writing your ads. If you are running out of space, you can shorten words down into their base word. If you have space, you can include longer words, because that means MORE OF YOUR AD IS BOLDED! (See how my bolding draws attention to it!)(Note: this only works on broad matched keywords)

So knowing this, you can now write ad's in a creative way that places the bolded keyword in specific locations. Take a look at this:

Stop Dog from Barking
How To Stop Your Dog
From that Annoying Bark!

See how I strategically placed my bolded words? It follows this nice little pattern. And it attracts attention, especially when compared to this (i just pulled this ad from google):

Current #1 Ad Right Here:

Stop Dog Bark
Ultrasonic Bark Control Devices to
Stop Dog Barking. Same day shipping
(YUCK! BORING...If any of you write your ads like this after I'm done...I'll cry profusely...)

I can almost guarantee you that my first ad, as is now, would blow this #1 ad out of the water with the CTR. (With a few other tricks, I CAN guarantee you. Next tab!)

Killer Writing Time

So, we now know about placing bolded words and how that works, it's time to get down to the nitty gritty:


Ok, a little over the top, I know, but it brings up my next point:

Emotional Wording, Mental Imagery:

Obviously you can't write ad's that long, but notice the words I used: "YOU( I'll get to that in a second)" "Blow Right Out of the Water(Brings to mind a big ship firing massive guns), Mind-Numbing Techniques(they must be so good they hurt)

So what did I do? I immediately built this image of you dominating your competition with powerful techniques that your competition "obviously" doesn't know.(I didn't say it, but it is implied) Then, if I did my job well, you got excited(AND CURIOUS, this is important) about what you are going to learn.

(Note: This applies to ALL ad writing, not just google. With google, we have limited space, so we have to conserve, but the same principles apply.)

So, lets spice up that pathetic ad from the previous tab. Here it is again:

Stop Dog Bark
Ultrasonic Bark Control Devices to
Stop Dog Barking. Same day shipping (ugh, *shivers*)

How can we improve? Lets start with the headline: Stop Dog Bark. It's simple, to the point, and EXACTLY what I typed in. But we at WA are good IMer's who get in the heads of our customers by doing good research before we slap together an ad(like this bozo obviously did). So, if a person is typing in "Stop Dog Bark" what do you think they may be thinking? "Nothing I do gets my dog to shut up!" So lets do this:

Get That Dog To Shut Up

or we could ask a question:

Dog Won't Stop Barking? (note: I'm still placing the bolded keywords)

Since asking a question is an effective attention getter, lets go with that. Time for the rest of the ad.

Since we asked the question, lets answer it.

Dog Won't Stop Barking? (Still placing the bolded keywords)
You Can Get the Dog to Stop Barking
By The Snap of A Collar, See Now!

Ah, much better. You see, your customer doesn't care if it's an "ultrasonic control device" (what the hell is that anyway?) Instead, I gave them JUST enough info to make them curious, I then included a "CALL TO ACTION" word (see now!) to encourage them to go fulfill their curiosity.

But we aren't finished yet...There is one more thing we can do and this is important.

In your website info "" you can add some of your keywords. That makes the ad look more relevant AND puts another bolded word into the ad.


Now this ad is finished:

Dog Won't Stop Barking?
You Can Get the Dog to Stop Barking
By The Snap of A Collar, See Now!

That's MUCH more attractive, and I can guarantee you this ad will blow away the other one by a land slide. Of course, you have to split test and track, and constantly tweak things, but this is MUCH better.

Next Tab!

Miscellaneous Tips

So, you know about bolded keywords, you know about spicing up an ad, what else is there?

Well, if you have noticed, I've done a couple of other things.

I've Capitalized The First Letter In Every Word. Since We Can't Do ALL CAPS, This Is The Next Best Thing and It Draws Attention To The Ad More.

Here is some other tips:

1. Ask a question if you can, then answer it.
2. Try to spark curiosity
3. Use call to action words like "Buy Now", "Check It Out", "Find Out More" etc.
4. Nuke your competition. See what the top ad's are, find out the words they are using, and make them better.
5. Use POWER PHRASES, if you can. These evoke emotion. Here is a small list:

YOU (one of the most powerful)
How To...
Just for You

The list could go on and on, but you get my drift. If you want, open up a dictionary and just start looking for sizzling (ooo, I like that one) words that invoke emotion.

One quick word about YOU. I believe it is the most powerful of these words because it sounds like the ad is personally talking to that person, it tells that person that they are about to learn something, get something, or have their life improved in someway, and almost ALWAYS grabs attention.

We are almost finished, there is just a few more things to do.

Final Things To Do

So, we have our amazing ad copy, our keywords are all grouped in like terms, now all we need to do is bid.

This is important, especially when you first have a new Google adwords account.

You want to bid to make sure that ALL of your ad's are near the top of the page. This means you may have to bid up to TWICE the amount you want starting off. I know, I know, it's hard, but believe me, its important.

Getting those ad's in high spots off the bat means you don't have to fight Google later on. After about 3 days of amazing CTR's, Google will begin to reward you with a MUCH higher quality score, so this means that you can lower your CPC and 90% of the time stay in the same spot you were( or close to it)!

Also, make sure your daily budget is high enough to be getting enough clicks throughout the day.

You should also be split testing your ads. I would write an amazing ad, then change ONE thing in the ad (a word, a different headline, etc.) and split test it. The one that has the highest CTR would be the winner and I would make a NEW ad that changes one thing from my winner. And continue and continue. Also, don't delete your old ads, just pause them, so you can keep your data from those ads.

If you followed this tutorial in and out, you can easily start with ads that are getting CTR's of 4-5% and work them up to 10-15% no problem. Remember, if you get Google slapped, read my tutorial here:

I hope this has helped everyone get those AWESOME CTR's!

To Your Success!


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